Wednesday, May 30, 2007

GOD Help Mt. Hope A.M.E. Zion Church

May 30, 2007As a long-time active member of this once great church, it causes me much angst to see what has happened to this religious entity. During the early 1990's, this church was a pillar in the greater White Plains, NY community. The membership was vibrant and healthy in numbers. The church was actively involved in the civic affairs and almost every important aspect of the communities' lives. In any given month or quarter, one could look forward to shaking the hands of new members and welcoming them into the church with much spirit and love. It was especially heart-warming to see all of the children standing in line and welcoming primarily adults, adolescents & teens into the membership. As these new members came on board, they were anxious to join the various clubs, organizations and committees and immediately go to work serving their GOD and the people. The Senior Usher Board, being one of the most visible organizations in the church since they were at the doors and working on the floor during each service or major activity that took place at the "friendly church on the hill" at 65 Lake Street, White Plains, NY, the board was always attracting new members and there never was a shortage of ushers. Sadly over the past five to six years, the board has grown old and tired. There has been virtually no new members during this period and the numbers has dwindled to the point that future of the board is in doubt. The same can be said of vital boards such as the Trustees and organizations such as the choirs. For example, in 1999 there were five (5) vibrant and gifted church choirs; today there are two and only one seasoned musician who has also grown tired and weary. At the height in 1999, there were also as many as four musicians including the youth or chidren's choir.Basically, the church has been the victim of extremely poor leadership from the pastor who exhibits a "bunker mentality" by surrounding himself with a small but vocal group who has more concern for protecting him and slamming those persons who intelligently speak out about the dismal state of the church than doing what is best and necessary to help the church survive and remain relevant. The other major problem is with the church's heirarchy (the Presiding Elder and the Presiding Prelate or Bishop). They close their eyes and ignore all of the signs that this is a "failed church". All of the signals are there when the Quarterly & Annual Conferences are held. The few members who have the courage to speak up, ask pertinent questions and or write letters regarding the condition of the church and where it has been headed over the last three or four years are ostricized, ignored or suspended from serving on vital boards where they have made extremely significant contributions. While all of this is going on, the core members sit in silenced; afraid to attest to to what they know to be true. All of this as the result of a deliberate and succesful attempt to cause them to be hesitant about speaking out for fear of being silenced. The members must muster up the courage of those that have gone onto glory who would never have allowed this to happen to the church they soo loved and served for most of their lives!One telling example of the heirarchial problem occurred recently when one member wrote an open letter to the membership detailing a barrage of wrongdoings plus simply un-christian like behavior by the leader (pastor) and informed them of the reason why Mt. Hope is no longer viable financially. When there is no finances; there is not spirit! The letter was sent to the Presiding Elder alongwith additional information for her to assess and take action. After taking more than three weeks, she came back with the unfortunate reply of "I'm sorry that you are having issues with The A.M.E. Zion Church and that if only the person would sit down and have a face-to-face discussion with the Pastor, i'm sure all of the person's issues could be resolved". Anyone who read or would read the letters would know that the issues are with the membership regarding the incompetence of the Pastor and not any issues with the denomination itself! If this is the best that this level of the denomination's leadership can come up with, then our particular church is surely doomed! Mt. Hope Church pays conference general claims and district quarterly claims in amounts that far exceed it ability to pay and still operate finacially in any adequate manner, yet this is the level of oversight and attention we receive. What gives here? At a minimum, the Presiding Elder and Presiding Bishop should have come to Mt. Hope Church by now and hold a meeting to find out about these extremely serious issues and advise what course of action will be taken. The New York Annual Conference will be held at the end of June, 2007 and surely these issues need to be addressed before then as all of the pastors in this conference will be given their pastorial charge at that time. Clearly the current pastor cannot be re-appointed to Mt. Hope Church for another year; the church will definitely "crash and burn" if this were to happen. Let us see some true leadership from the Presiding Elder and Presiding Bishop so that the church can at least start the recovery process. Under the best of circumstances the recovery process will be slow and painful but at least there would be hope.There will be postings of the letters to the church membership and the Presiding Elder later this week so that you can gain an understanding of what is going on with Mt. Hope Church. Hopefully members of other churches in the A.M.E. Zion denomination will study this situation and not ever let this happen to their particular church. When the leaders of the church is worried about politics and running for heirarchial positions, they allow awful situations to unfold on their watch while taking no action. GOD help us now!!!Submitted by,Glover Davis,Member of Mt. Hope Church since 1967
by In the Name of Religion
7:52:00 AM
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