Sunday, August 5, 2007

Mt. Hope Church; Things Are Worse Than Ever

Based upon recent events, my observation is that things are worse than ever. There are monumental decisions that need to be made and the thought process that is taking place is minute.

It is amazing how things get so chaotic and backwards when you don't have adequate leadership. There is improper direction, lack of coordination and most of all a lack of knowledge. The result of this is a catastrophic situation from which a church might not be able to recover.

Mt. Hope A.M.E. Zion Church members you need to pay close attention to what is taking place and get involved so that serious problems may be prevented. The future of our church is at stake and we must not allow the destructive and error-laden path to prevail. Get involved, do something other than standing on the sidelines!

Glover Davis

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Brother Davis there is a jezebel spirit in the church...

1 Kings 18:4
For it was so, when Jezebel cut off (killed) the prophets of the LORD, that Obadiah took an hundred prophets, and hid them by fifty in a cave, and fed them with bread and water.

It saddens me to think of how the youth of the church are being influenced by such a spirit. I experienced such behavior on my last visit as one of the children on the church was lead to say that there should not be shouting; or as some would say “out burst” in the church. Dose not the word of God say make a joyful noise unto the Lord?

Isaiah 24:8
The gaiety of the tambourines is stilled, the noise of the revelers has stopped, the joyful harp is silent.

There is to much envy and strife going on in the church. Instead of so called Christians praising God for the visitation of the Holy Spirit, they are shutting down the blessings of the God.

1 Corinthians 14:39

39Wherefore, brethren, covet (want somebody else’s property: to have a strong desire to possess something that belongs to somebody else) to prophesy, and forbid not to speak with tongues.

To speaking in other tongues and/or prophecy are signs of the Holy Spirit at work.

The Bibles says;

1 Corinthians 12:28
And in the church God has appointed first of all apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then workers of miracles, also those having gifts of healing, those able to help others, those with gifts of administration (management of business), and those speaking in different kinds of tongues.

English; Commissioner of Christ
Hebrews; from the same as
Greek; pretended preacher;- false teacher

English; somebody who interprets divine will
Hebrews; inspired man, to speak by inspiration, beholders in vision
Greek; foreteller

Hebrews; to scoff, to interpret; to intercede
Greek; instructor, teacher of the right, rabbi, propagator of erroneous doctrine

Reference: The New Strong’s Complete Dirtionary of Bible Words by James Strong, LL.d., S.T.D.

This chapter and verse speaks of different kinds of tongues, meaning more then one. Some tongues are spoken in a langue that only God understands. 1 Corinthians 13:1 says “Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. “Have not charity” makes this spiritual gift of no effect. These three word have caused many to question them selves. That is why it is so important to have a personal relationship with your Lord and savior, not the leaders of the church, nor the members. Having this personal relationship gives you freedom of bondage that can be used by a jezebel spirit.

When you know... that you know... that you know, there is nothing that satin can do to block the blessings of God.

I use to fear the word of God because of its misuse. After my spirit revival some years ago he began to reveal Him self to me, and I became hungry for His word and the truth.

1 Corinthians 14:37 says:

If any man think himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the commandments (Law) of the Lord. (read 1 Corinthians 14)

Beeeeeeeeep... This is a spiritual announcement to the senior member of the church. Just because someone is new in your church does not mean that they don’t know the Lord personally. God uses whom he please.

We all seek the truth and understand. The Bible is the answer to ALL the issues of life.

Read It....Selah